Monday 15 September 2014

continued                                                                    (PART 2)

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view there is NO fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Israel as a friendly state.

As for Islam and Normalization of Relationships between Islamic States and the Jewish State he states:PLO documents can be regarded as Islamic. The PLO leaders are a gang of criminals and thieves,and Arabs will be the main victims of any supposed "Palestinian State" under their leadership. I do not believe that Islam is the factor preventing normalization between Arabs and the state of Israel.  The real problem is that members of the ruling classes in Arab countries believe their authority and power would be threatened by democracy,modernization, and education in the Arab world. They use a distorted interpretation of Islam as a political tool, and unfortunately the majority of uneducated Arabs believe their poisonous propaganda.
After reviewing the relevant Quranic passages concerning Jerusalem and Mecca, he concludes that,as no one denies Muslim complete sovereignty over Mecca,from an Islamic point of view-despite opposing,groundless claims-there is no reason for Muslims to deny the State of Israel-which is a Jewish state-complete sovereignty over Jerusalem. (I say) We must remember that the Quran never mentions Jerusalem(al-Quds) once. Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palzzi continues: Some time ago the Resident Arab (Palestinian) wakf has made pronouncements,such as that the Western Wall(Kotel) is not a Jewish shrine,but rather the wall to which the prophet's (steed) was tethered,or,at best,the wall surrounding the Muslim Mosque. The Wakf has also stated that all of Hebron should be turned over to the Resident Arab(Palestinian) Authority,and that Jews would be forbidden to pray in the Cave of the Patriarchs.  These kinds of declarations by the PLO gangsters are ridiculous and absurd. There is nothing in Jewish worship that can be offensive for Muslims,and nothing in Islamic Law prevents Jews to pray on the Temple Mount,in the cave of Machpela or in any other place that is regarded as holy by Muslims.
The Shaykh  then tells us that every time he meets those who say otherwise,he asks them to identify a single authoritative Islamic source as legal proof of their claim. NONE of them has ever answered such a request of his.

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