Saturday 28 March 2015

American Muslim (marxist) Pres. Seeks Revenge On Important Ally Israel In Unprecedented Move


On Jan 2010 while visiting Egypt Barack Obama swore to the then Egyptian FM Aboul Gheit that he was still a Muslim and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.. The FM later reiterated this on Nile TV as stated. He also claimed that Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues,like the health care reform,he would show the Muslim world how to deal with Israel and so he did! To begin with,I don't think he liked  the Israeli
PM Netanyahu from the get go. He made adverse comments to Sarkozy of France on an open mic. On a trip to Washington to see the Pres. PM Netanyahu was ushered thru a side door and when the Pres. went to eat he left the PM alone and fed him separately rather than inviting him as gentle people do.
Currently he showed his displeasure when the PM was invited to speak to the congress regarding the Iranian,P5 discussions.  The Pres. found excuses,such as it was just before Israel's election and he should not come and also because the Pres. was not told in advance all picayune stuff. Some reports say that Boehner did tell the Pres.of his impending speach. PM Netanyahu's speech was very well received by most,the Pres. and some of the leftists(democrats) stayed away to sulk. The black caucus
said "they were not going to play with the PM anymore, what a tragedy,BOO,HOO,HOO,HOO". Then all hell broke loose with the Pres.when PM Netanyahu won the election. According to reports he never congratulated the PM but threatened him on the phone. The Pres. had given hundreds of thousands of US tax dollars to an American team on the V15 mission to make sure the PM was not re elected, he hates him that much even to shell out his peoples money. That made matters even worse.  He then proceeded to threaten the Israeli PM that in the future the US will no longer back Israel in the UN because PM Netanyahu stated that under the present turmoil in the Mid. East he couldn't presently accept a Palestinian state. From reports this seems reasonable considering that the Palestinians don't really want a Palestinian state but the end of Israel. They have also teamed up with Hamas whose very survival is orientated to wiping Israel off the map.  The Pres. wanted Israel to start negotiations with the Palestinians and said that after 50 years of occupation they deserve a state. Considering the terrible state of the middle east where minorities are being killed for no reason but their belief and the Iranian negotiations important to the security of the whole world, Obama picks on Israel. Why? because he hates Israel.  Say, Mr. Pres.what about the US occupation of California,Texas and New Mexico since about
1847,Mr.Buraq Hussein, you must do as you say,give back the Mexican territories.  Leftists are supposed to be more concerned,right? All is presently not too good between the leaders but then the US, to hurt Israel,also declassifies a Israeli Nuclear Document which were kept secret since 1987 to avoid a regional nuclear arms race. This is considered by reports as an unprecedented move. By doing this the US breached the silent agreement to keep quiet on Israel's nuclear powers.  Obama's revenge for the PM speech to congress?  To Muslims, revenge is honor!  We hope this bad blood will be temporary as all this could be a diversion to keep people's interest away from Iranian US agreements. Obama also seems to have distanced himself from Canadian PM S.Harper because of his close relations with Israel by finding picayune excuses to prevent Keystone XL pipeline from entry into the US.  I must admit this Pres. (also a Marxist) was able to deconstruct the US to weakness and loose the respect of allies and others and when he leaves office most Americans will be looking forward to the breath of fresh air.  A Pres. without a legacy. I have heard some pundits refer to the having some psychological problems. It certainly appears that way considering he just cant seem to show stability.
On Mar.31/15 the following has come to my attention, Journalist Jeffery Goldberg reveals in the April issue of" The Atlantic" at an event in Joe Biden's home last fall,the Vice Pres. told Jewish leaders and Jewish officials that should the American Jewish community be in danger,it has only Israel to rely on and not America. This is a shocking and unprecedented statement.  He of course was mouthing the Pres.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Facts The Main Stream Media Probably Never Told You

A more in depth look at the Palestinia Arabs.

If Arabs arbitrarily and mistakenly called themselves "Palestinians" are anything but generic Arab nomads/humanoid monsters from all over the mid.east,coming there because of the prosperity of the Jews that were there.If the Arabs really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them the right to self-determination,why did they not declare their independance between 1948-1967 . During that time period there were no Israelis in the west band and in Gaza,no settlements and no"Israeli Occupation". Instead for that time they were occupied by Jordan( that land stolen from the lands of Israel by the Brits) in the west bank and Egyptians in Gaza.The media and academia never mentioned  this.
AFTER THE DEFEAT OF 6 DAY WAR these Arab IslamoNazis nomads from everywhere suddenly decided that they were a  people called "Palestinians" as the Brits called the land Palestine No mention made of them by UN until 1967. These Arab refugees were never referred to as Palestinian refugees.  Arab countries always wanted to destroy Israel but couldn't militarily so they decided to fight Israel by proxy.  The Arabs of Judea,Samaria and Gaza united as the ARAB nomads of Palestina people,their object being to destroy Israel. Nowhere in the Koran,Hadiths or in all of Arab history is there mention of Palestinians or land of Palestine. After the 6-day war Israel sought negotiations with Arab world, the following response:"no peace,negotiation, or recognition.The Arab humanoid monster nomads were not interested in peace nor really acquiring the UN allotted lands given them.  At Camp David in the US, Arafat rejected Israel's 2000 proposal to return 95% of the west bank and Gaza with further land as compensation for the remaining 5%. He refused and this was consistent with the Arab rejection of any Israel presence in the mid.east. Other similar offers were also refused.These humanoid monster "Palestinians" are using their desire for a state as a "tactic". Eventually Israel left Gaza with greenhouses standing to encourage the Arab nomads to grow their vegetables. The terrorist group Hamas related to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood took over. They destroyed all the greenhouse equipment and instead made rockets from some of the materials.They eventually started firing 1000's of rockets into Israel as their charter also
called for the destruction of Israel
Those that believe in the vulnerable ARAB IslamoNazis nomads are complicit in one of the worst injustices in history, as these humanoid monster Muslims side with the forces of death,destruction,fear and prejudice as Israel has experienced for years. As the Brits. stole about 72% of land given to Israel to give to the making of Jordan which has a very high rate of these Arab nomads as citizens, it  makes sense  that Jordan which considers itself a "Palestinian" state, should be the goal of the Arab nomads in Palestina.

At one point Libya's  Mu'ammar al Qaddafi said the following to the Arab heads of state:" The only way to bring peace to the mid.east is for the Arab countries to acknowledge and accept Israel,and to pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 yrs. of devastation they have visited on it".  Of course that never materialized and the Arab IslamoNazis nomads of Palestina via their machinations,lies,threats, and murders  as Islam dictates, try to defeat Israel.

How the British "screwed" the Israeli homeland
The land on which Israel is located contained only a fraction of the "Palestine" Mandate originally dedicated to the Jews as their homeland,incorporating the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations and the British had designated the land  called "Palestine" for the "Jewish National Home"-
east and west of the Jordan river from the Mediterranean to Arabia and Iraq,and north and south from Egypt to Lebanon and Syria conforming to what the Koran and Moses proposed(more or less). But in a strategic move, the Br. government felt "the need to assuage the Emir's (Abdullah's) feelings",he being one of the royal sons of the Hejaz(Saudi Arabia)which helped the English against the Turks.So the plot, I call "stealing"from Israel's National Home, involving the then Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill,Prime Minister Lloyd George,and
Palestine High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel was, for the Brits.,to install Abdullah in the land of the Br.mandatory of eastern "Palestine" in what is now Jordan. Britain quietly gouged out roughly three quarters of the Palestinian  territory mandated for the Jewish homeland into an Arab emirate,while the Mandate ostensibly remained in force but in violation  of its terms.So what we are saying here is that Britain wanted Israel "to assuage" the Emir's feelings by giving him 3/4 of their homeland,shear insanity. How would have the British reacted to having this done to them? Probably violently. In 1946 (two years before Israel gained its statehood on  one quarter of Palestine) Jordan was declared an independent state on 3/4 of the Palestinian territory mandated for the Jewish homeland.The country is made up mostly of "Palestinian" nomads and this is the real home for all the nomads not the eternal and historical home of the Jewish people.  Reparations for Israel are in order.
The British never attempted to legalize these actions.  Today the British are attempting to again steal Israeli homeland in favor of Islam,for the cult that is ready to turn this despicable Britain into Britanstan. I feel no empathy for their country. This will be payment for their mal treatment of the Jews during 2000 years,and still today! I believe in the old adage "One cannot teach and an old horse new tricks",In fact I regret the death of so many of our Canadian military while fighting for Europe (during WW1&WW;2) an old continent of classes, ranks, and hate!! Just a real nasty bunch.

Friday 24 October 2014


With our fighter planes, group of soldiers to train anti ISIS soldiers off to join our allies against IS and the terrorist killing of two of our soldiers here at home, I would say we are at war with Islam.  As we did during the second world war, we stopped German immigration, we now have to stop Muslim immigration as a muzzlem org. called "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" has infiltrated the  UNHCR  (UN refugee org.)  as so mostly muzzlem refugees are being sent by UN. to western countries. Considering the Arab Christians are suffering so, I feel we should be receiving them as an alternative as they would assimilate much easier.  As all Muslims live by the Koran,sunna,hadith ,sharia, we cannot discern effectively between the "good" and "bad" ones.  We must remember what their goal is. What all of these humanoid monsters want, is to install Islam and Sharia world wide using all possible means. Don't let Muslims fool you with their sometime"sweet talk". It's probably put on! They are not supposed to fraternize with the non believers for fear of becoming like them(according to their "book"). So the solution is, Islam permits them to lie and cheat (process called Takiya) to get what they want from we Kafirs.  Beware of Imams and Muslim organizations who criticize Isis/terrorism. I consider them as telling you what you want to hear(DEEN).  The Arab Nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina are an excellent example of this. They keep saying how Israel does not want to give them the west bank.for their state. They really don't want it, but the annihilation of Israel.  They say one thing for Kafir ears and the truth when they talk to Muslims. Typical Islam. They propagandize (they learned well from the Nazis)to get the ant brains in the west to feel sorry for them as they like appearing as VICTIMS but, make no mistake they are jihadists following the cult line,as they are now Hamas,confirmed killers like their ISIS brothers. To run down people at a bus stop(in Jerusalem), killing a baby and a women, meant nothing to to them. How leftists like Naomi Wolfe,Naomi Klein,Paul Singer, Noam Chomsky,Michael Moore, Thomas Piketty,etc give support to the Arab nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina whose mothers offer their children as suicide bombers and then brag about it,  Has anybody heard any of these leftists  concerns with the Xians and other minorities being slaughtered. No, they support  Hamas who used civilians as human shields,who put rocket launchers in schools,hospitals,playgrounds,who had civilians remain on rooftops so that Israeli air force would not bomb,who launched 1000s of rockets at Israeli civilians.  We in the west are a bunch with virtual brains. We give these crooks in the Arab nomad humanoid monster Palestina leadership billions of dollars, only to help them enrich themselves. " Shedding tears" for those savages is a waste of your tears.  Do we remember 9/11?  The nomad humanoids Palestina rejoiced and handed out sweets to celebrate the 9/11 disaster in the US and when the terrorists bombed London and Madrid. And yet the EU sent million of dollars to these Nomads/Gypsies terrorists in Palestina.They use the money to pay the terrorists,amounts vary with the severity of  crimes against Israelis. The greater the crime the more they get.  The US (whose president is a Muslim and a Marxist) alone gives them about 400 million dollars yearly. I feel that the money is not sent to improve Arab nomad humanoid monster way of life in Palestina but to help them get rid of the Jews. Europe has been hating the Jews for 2000 years! Ironically the Jews are  not the enemy but Islam is.  Their Jew hatred blinds their ability to discern.,even when ISIS shows itself as inhuman and the worst of the worst as burning the Jordanian pilot alive,drowning 6,or attaching explosives to heads of a group and then setting off the explosives.
 Now the Arab nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina claim that Jerusalem is their Holy city. Well, their Koran never mentions Jerusalem while the Jewish bible refers to Jerusalem over 600 times The Koran speaks of Mecca as the holy place. They pray in the direction of Mecca. They just want to get rid of Israel. The European civilization sits on an knife's edge. This should be their primary concern especially in the UK , Norway and Sweden. Most of these problems are leftist inspired. Let us be clear, Islam is an off shoot of the Nazis ,only worse. The Nazis loved their children, the IslamoNazis used them as suicide bombers. That should tell the story.

Because we are now at war with Islam we have to expect terrorism at home, some perhaps from homegrown types. Remember no one can become a self made Islamic convert .  He has to recite the Shahada,the first of the five pillars of Islam before 2 Muslims.For the convert it means not only accepting Allah and Muhammad but also the entirety of Islam. Et Voila! we have a killer dog for Islam. We as citizens of this great country must come together to deal with these savages if we want to go on living in a democracy. As in all times of war, we must be prepared to sacrifice some aspects of our freedom and not lose it.
  Unfortunately not all of our leftist media seem to agree with this.
I think they have their own agenda. I hope they will be dealt with accordingly at the right time. Kudos to Fox news for their great unbiased reporting.
It seems to me that in these times of hostilities we should  curb our transparency as applies to troop movements,numbers of troops and any details that would help the enemy. I can see a board of censors as the right move.  The Muslims here must be considered as potential  fifth column and appropriate steps taken.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Facts the mainstream media probably did not tell you

                                                                                                                             (PART 1)
 The Quran says that Allah gave the land of Israel to the Jews and
will restore them to it at the end of days.
Al Maidah 5:21 O my people!enter the holy land which Allah hath unto you assigned and turn not back ignominiously for then will ye be overthrown to your own ruin.
Night Journey,Chapter 17:100-104 "Pharoah sought to scare the Israelites out of
the land of Israel: but We (Allah) drowned him (the Pharoah) together with all who were with him. Then We(Allah) said to the Israelites: "Dwell in this land (land of Israel). When the promise of the hearafter (end of days) comes to be fulfilled, We (Allah) shall assemble you (the Israelites) all together (in the land of Israel)."   "We (Allah) have revealed  the Quran with the truth,and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you(Muhammed) forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."
Al A'araf 7:137 And we made a people considered weak inheritors of lands in both east and west lands whereon we sent down our blessings. the fair promise of the Lord was fulfilled for the children of Israel because they had the patience and constancy and We levelled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected. This writer sees the lands in both east and west as Israel on both sides of the river Jordan.
Al Roum 30:6 It is the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from his promise: but most men understand not. The writer, then as a result of the formentioned, considers the claims by the followers of Muhammed  for the land of Israel as" false claims".
Shayke Prof.Abdul Hadi Palazzi,an Islamic scholar and university lecturer says The Quran recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that,before the Last Judgement,Jews will return to dwell there. This prophecy has already been fulfilled. Muslims must recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish State.   The fundamentalist Muslim program to use Islam as an instrument for political warfare against the Jews finds a major obstacle in the Quran itself. Both the Bible and Quran state quite clearly that the right of the Israelites to the Land of Israel does not depend on conquest and colonization. This right flows from the will of almighty God Himself. He continues, both the Jewish and and Islamic Scriptures teach that God, through His chosen servant Moses,decided to free the offspring of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and to constitute them as heirs of the promised land.  Whoever claims that Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel is something new and rooted in human politics denies divine revelation and divine prophecy as explicitly expressed in our Holy Books (Koran and Bible).
Finally the Shayke Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi  states: "therefore,from an Islamic point of view, there is NO fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Israel as a friendly State".

Monday 15 September 2014

continued                                                                    (PART 2)

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view there is NO fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Israel as a friendly state.

As for Islam and Normalization of Relationships between Islamic States and the Jewish State he states:PLO documents can be regarded as Islamic. The PLO leaders are a gang of criminals and thieves,and Arabs will be the main victims of any supposed "Palestinian State" under their leadership. I do not believe that Islam is the factor preventing normalization between Arabs and the state of Israel.  The real problem is that members of the ruling classes in Arab countries believe their authority and power would be threatened by democracy,modernization, and education in the Arab world. They use a distorted interpretation of Islam as a political tool, and unfortunately the majority of uneducated Arabs believe their poisonous propaganda.
After reviewing the relevant Quranic passages concerning Jerusalem and Mecca, he concludes that,as no one denies Muslim complete sovereignty over Mecca,from an Islamic point of view-despite opposing,groundless claims-there is no reason for Muslims to deny the State of Israel-which is a Jewish state-complete sovereignty over Jerusalem. (I say) We must remember that the Quran never mentions Jerusalem(al-Quds) once. Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palzzi continues: Some time ago the Resident Arab (Palestinian) wakf has made pronouncements,such as that the Western Wall(Kotel) is not a Jewish shrine,but rather the wall to which the prophet's (steed) was tethered,or,at best,the wall surrounding the Muslim Mosque. The Wakf has also stated that all of Hebron should be turned over to the Resident Arab(Palestinian) Authority,and that Jews would be forbidden to pray in the Cave of the Patriarchs.  These kinds of declarations by the PLO gangsters are ridiculous and absurd. There is nothing in Jewish worship that can be offensive for Muslims,and nothing in Islamic Law prevents Jews to pray on the Temple Mount,in the cave of Machpela or in any other place that is regarded as holy by Muslims.
The Shaykh  then tells us that every time he meets those who say otherwise,he asks them to identify a single authoritative Islamic source as legal proof of their claim. NONE of them has ever answered such a request of his.

Saturday 13 September 2014


C.B.Glick tells us that on Aug 31,'14 PLO chief  and PA Pres. Abbas told an audience of Fatah members that Egypt had offered to give the PA some 1,600 Kms. of land in Sinai adjacent to  Gaza,thus quintupling the size of Gaza. Egypt even offered to allow all the Arab refugees(nomads/gypsies) of Palestina to settle in this expanded  Gaza strip.
THEN ABBAS TOLD HIS FATAH FOLLOWERS THAT HE REJECTED THE EGYPTIAN OFFER. In exchange for this state,the Arab nomads/Gypsies would give up their demand that Israel shrink into the indefensible 1949 armistice lines,surrendering Jerusalem,Judea and Samaria. Sisi argued that the land Egypt is offering in Sinai would more than compensate  for the territory that Abbas would concede. Speaking to Fatah members,Abbas said the Egyptians are prepared to receive all the refugees,[and are saying] "let's end the refugee story." "But", he insisted, "It's illogical for the problem to be solved at Egypt's expense. We won't have it".  In other words, Sisi offered a way to end the Arabs nomads/Gypsies of Palestina suffering and grant them political independence. And Abbas said "No,forget statehood. Let them suffer."
Apparently, Sisi's offer to Abbas is an attempt to help the Arab nomad/Gypsies and take the Palestina issue out of the hands of  Arab nomads/Gypsies jihadists.
In rejecting Sisi's offer Abbas stood true to his own record,to the legacies of every Palestina leader since Nazi agent Haj  Amin el-Husseini, and to the  declared strategic goal of his own Fatah party and his coalition partners in Hamas. Since Husseini invented the Palestinians in the late 1920's, their leaders' primary goals have NEVER been the establishment of a state in Palestina  or improving the lives of the Nomads/gypsies  Their singular goal to destroy Israel (or state-in-the making before 1948).
Sisi offered to end Arab nomad/Gypsies suffering and provide the with the land they require to establish a demilitarized state. Abbas rejects it because he's is only interested in hurting Israel. If Israel is not weakened by their good fortune, then the Arab nomads/Gypsies should continue to suffer.
Abbas's rejection of Sisi's offer demonstrates yet again that he and Fatah are the problem,not the solution.  Continued faith in the PLO as a partner in peace and moderation is foolish and dangerous. He would rather see Hamas and Iran flourish than share a peaceful future with Israel. The only reason Abbas is able to continuously reject all offers of statehood and  end  Palestinian suffering, while expanding his diplomatic war against Israel and supporting his coalition partner's terror war, is because the US and Europe continue to blindly support him. Sisi's offer helps Israel see the futility of the west's strategy of supporting Abbas. The Obama administration was briefed on Sisi's plan.The Americans reportedly supported it.
Now if Abbas successfully scuttles it, Sisi's offer will show that Israel is correct that it cannot satisfy
the Arab nomad/Gypsies demands on it's own, and indeed,it demonstrates how unreasonable those demands are.
As a consequence,Sisi's offer is a challenge to the US and Europe.  Sis's offer shows Washington and Brussels that to solve the Arab Nomad/Gypsy conflict with Israel, they need to stand with Israel,even if it means abandoning Abbas. If they do so, they can take credit for achieving their beloved two-state solution.  If they fail,they will signal that their primary goal is not peace,but something far less constructive.
As for Abbas's obsession with Jerusalem, their Koran never mentions Jerusalem,the old Testament mentions  it about 400 times. The Jews built Jerusalem. Islam wants a toe hold,to take it eventually.
Another way for them to denigrate the Jews. Finally we recognize the scope of Islam actions. During a period of 1400 yrs (they were hatched from Satan's loins in about 620 during the Medieval period)  According to Bill Warner who calculated the casualties during all wars and battles involving Islam,he arrives at a figure (get this now) of 270 million souls that they killed. How can anyone show sympathy to these  humanoid monsters who always profess to be victims,wile of course. They know how to lead the public down "THEIR" garden path, while the public not really knowing their agenda of hate,murder,stealing,,misogyny,wile,etc. They are our enemy. They must be eradicated as done to cockroaches and rats. The cult of Islam is a menace to humanity!