Friday 24 October 2014


With our fighter planes, group of soldiers to train anti ISIS soldiers off to join our allies against IS and the terrorist killing of two of our soldiers here at home, I would say we are at war with Islam.  As we did during the second world war, we stopped German immigration, we now have to stop Muslim immigration as a muzzlem org. called "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" has infiltrated the  UNHCR  (UN refugee org.)  as so mostly muzzlem refugees are being sent by UN. to western countries. Considering the Arab Christians are suffering so, I feel we should be receiving them as an alternative as they would assimilate much easier.  As all Muslims live by the Koran,sunna,hadith ,sharia, we cannot discern effectively between the "good" and "bad" ones.  We must remember what their goal is. What all of these humanoid monsters want, is to install Islam and Sharia world wide using all possible means. Don't let Muslims fool you with their sometime"sweet talk". It's probably put on! They are not supposed to fraternize with the non believers for fear of becoming like them(according to their "book"). So the solution is, Islam permits them to lie and cheat (process called Takiya) to get what they want from we Kafirs.  Beware of Imams and Muslim organizations who criticize Isis/terrorism. I consider them as telling you what you want to hear(DEEN).  The Arab Nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina are an excellent example of this. They keep saying how Israel does not want to give them the west bank.for their state. They really don't want it, but the annihilation of Israel.  They say one thing for Kafir ears and the truth when they talk to Muslims. Typical Islam. They propagandize (they learned well from the Nazis)to get the ant brains in the west to feel sorry for them as they like appearing as VICTIMS but, make no mistake they are jihadists following the cult line,as they are now Hamas,confirmed killers like their ISIS brothers. To run down people at a bus stop(in Jerusalem), killing a baby and a women, meant nothing to to them. How leftists like Naomi Wolfe,Naomi Klein,Paul Singer, Noam Chomsky,Michael Moore, Thomas Piketty,etc give support to the Arab nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina whose mothers offer their children as suicide bombers and then brag about it,  Has anybody heard any of these leftists  concerns with the Xians and other minorities being slaughtered. No, they support  Hamas who used civilians as human shields,who put rocket launchers in schools,hospitals,playgrounds,who had civilians remain on rooftops so that Israeli air force would not bomb,who launched 1000s of rockets at Israeli civilians.  We in the west are a bunch with virtual brains. We give these crooks in the Arab nomad humanoid monster Palestina leadership billions of dollars, only to help them enrich themselves. " Shedding tears" for those savages is a waste of your tears.  Do we remember 9/11?  The nomad humanoids Palestina rejoiced and handed out sweets to celebrate the 9/11 disaster in the US and when the terrorists bombed London and Madrid. And yet the EU sent million of dollars to these Nomads/Gypsies terrorists in Palestina.They use the money to pay the terrorists,amounts vary with the severity of  crimes against Israelis. The greater the crime the more they get.  The US (whose president is a Muslim and a Marxist) alone gives them about 400 million dollars yearly. I feel that the money is not sent to improve Arab nomad humanoid monster way of life in Palestina but to help them get rid of the Jews. Europe has been hating the Jews for 2000 years! Ironically the Jews are  not the enemy but Islam is.  Their Jew hatred blinds their ability to discern.,even when ISIS shows itself as inhuman and the worst of the worst as burning the Jordanian pilot alive,drowning 6,or attaching explosives to heads of a group and then setting off the explosives.
 Now the Arab nomad humanoid monsters of Palestina claim that Jerusalem is their Holy city. Well, their Koran never mentions Jerusalem while the Jewish bible refers to Jerusalem over 600 times The Koran speaks of Mecca as the holy place. They pray in the direction of Mecca. They just want to get rid of Israel. The European civilization sits on an knife's edge. This should be their primary concern especially in the UK , Norway and Sweden. Most of these problems are leftist inspired. Let us be clear, Islam is an off shoot of the Nazis ,only worse. The Nazis loved their children, the IslamoNazis used them as suicide bombers. That should tell the story.

Because we are now at war with Islam we have to expect terrorism at home, some perhaps from homegrown types. Remember no one can become a self made Islamic convert .  He has to recite the Shahada,the first of the five pillars of Islam before 2 Muslims.For the convert it means not only accepting Allah and Muhammad but also the entirety of Islam. Et Voila! we have a killer dog for Islam. We as citizens of this great country must come together to deal with these savages if we want to go on living in a democracy. As in all times of war, we must be prepared to sacrifice some aspects of our freedom and not lose it.
  Unfortunately not all of our leftist media seem to agree with this.
I think they have their own agenda. I hope they will be dealt with accordingly at the right time. Kudos to Fox news for their great unbiased reporting.
It seems to me that in these times of hostilities we should  curb our transparency as applies to troop movements,numbers of troops and any details that would help the enemy. I can see a board of censors as the right move.  The Muslims here must be considered as potential  fifth column and appropriate steps taken.

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