Sunday 8 February 2015

Facts The Main Stream Media Probably Never Told You

A more in depth look at the Palestinia Arabs.

If Arabs arbitrarily and mistakenly called themselves "Palestinians" are anything but generic Arab nomads/humanoid monsters from all over the mid.east,coming there because of the prosperity of the Jews that were there.If the Arabs really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them the right to self-determination,why did they not declare their independance between 1948-1967 . During that time period there were no Israelis in the west band and in Gaza,no settlements and no"Israeli Occupation". Instead for that time they were occupied by Jordan( that land stolen from the lands of Israel by the Brits) in the west bank and Egyptians in Gaza.The media and academia never mentioned  this.
AFTER THE DEFEAT OF 6 DAY WAR these Arab IslamoNazis nomads from everywhere suddenly decided that they were a  people called "Palestinians" as the Brits called the land Palestine No mention made of them by UN until 1967. These Arab refugees were never referred to as Palestinian refugees.  Arab countries always wanted to destroy Israel but couldn't militarily so they decided to fight Israel by proxy.  The Arabs of Judea,Samaria and Gaza united as the ARAB nomads of Palestina people,their object being to destroy Israel. Nowhere in the Koran,Hadiths or in all of Arab history is there mention of Palestinians or land of Palestine. After the 6-day war Israel sought negotiations with Arab world, the following response:"no peace,negotiation, or recognition.The Arab humanoid monster nomads were not interested in peace nor really acquiring the UN allotted lands given them.  At Camp David in the US, Arafat rejected Israel's 2000 proposal to return 95% of the west bank and Gaza with further land as compensation for the remaining 5%. He refused and this was consistent with the Arab rejection of any Israel presence in the mid.east. Other similar offers were also refused.These humanoid monster "Palestinians" are using their desire for a state as a "tactic". Eventually Israel left Gaza with greenhouses standing to encourage the Arab nomads to grow their vegetables. The terrorist group Hamas related to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood took over. They destroyed all the greenhouse equipment and instead made rockets from some of the materials.They eventually started firing 1000's of rockets into Israel as their charter also
called for the destruction of Israel
Those that believe in the vulnerable ARAB IslamoNazis nomads are complicit in one of the worst injustices in history, as these humanoid monster Muslims side with the forces of death,destruction,fear and prejudice as Israel has experienced for years. As the Brits. stole about 72% of land given to Israel to give to the making of Jordan which has a very high rate of these Arab nomads as citizens, it  makes sense  that Jordan which considers itself a "Palestinian" state, should be the goal of the Arab nomads in Palestina.

At one point Libya's  Mu'ammar al Qaddafi said the following to the Arab heads of state:" The only way to bring peace to the mid.east is for the Arab countries to acknowledge and accept Israel,and to pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 yrs. of devastation they have visited on it".  Of course that never materialized and the Arab IslamoNazis nomads of Palestina via their machinations,lies,threats, and murders  as Islam dictates, try to defeat Israel.

How the British "screwed" the Israeli homeland
The land on which Israel is located contained only a fraction of the "Palestine" Mandate originally dedicated to the Jews as their homeland,incorporating the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations and the British had designated the land  called "Palestine" for the "Jewish National Home"-
east and west of the Jordan river from the Mediterranean to Arabia and Iraq,and north and south from Egypt to Lebanon and Syria conforming to what the Koran and Moses proposed(more or less). But in a strategic move, the Br. government felt "the need to assuage the Emir's (Abdullah's) feelings",he being one of the royal sons of the Hejaz(Saudi Arabia)which helped the English against the Turks.So the plot, I call "stealing"from Israel's National Home, involving the then Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill,Prime Minister Lloyd George,and
Palestine High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel was, for the Brits.,to install Abdullah in the land of the Br.mandatory of eastern "Palestine" in what is now Jordan. Britain quietly gouged out roughly three quarters of the Palestinian  territory mandated for the Jewish homeland into an Arab emirate,while the Mandate ostensibly remained in force but in violation  of its terms.So what we are saying here is that Britain wanted Israel "to assuage" the Emir's feelings by giving him 3/4 of their homeland,shear insanity. How would have the British reacted to having this done to them? Probably violently. In 1946 (two years before Israel gained its statehood on  one quarter of Palestine) Jordan was declared an independent state on 3/4 of the Palestinian territory mandated for the Jewish homeland.The country is made up mostly of "Palestinian" nomads and this is the real home for all the nomads not the eternal and historical home of the Jewish people.  Reparations for Israel are in order.
The British never attempted to legalize these actions.  Today the British are attempting to again steal Israeli homeland in favor of Islam,for the cult that is ready to turn this despicable Britain into Britanstan. I feel no empathy for their country. This will be payment for their mal treatment of the Jews during 2000 years,and still today! I believe in the old adage "One cannot teach and an old horse new tricks",In fact I regret the death of so many of our Canadian military while fighting for Europe (during WW1&WW;2) an old continent of classes, ranks, and hate!! Just a real nasty bunch.

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